前收盘价格 | 6.24 |
收盘价格 | 6.19 |
成交量 | 417,951 |
平均成交量 (3个月) | 1,101,185 |
市值 | 4,354,196,480 |
预期市盈率 (P/E Forward) | 11.43 |
价格/销量 (P/S) | 0.470 |
股市价格/股市净资产 (P/B) | 0.900 |
52周波幅 | |
利润日期 | 17 Feb 2025 |
股息率 (DY TTM) | 2.54% |
营业毛利率 | -16.03% |
营业利益率 (TTM) | 4.67% |
稀释每股收益 (EPS TTM) | -2.20 |
季度收入增长率 (YOY) | -14.50% |
总债务/股东权益 (D/E MRQ) | 92.45% |
流动比率 (MRQ) | 1.07 |
营业现金流 (OCF TTM) | -55.00 M |
杠杆自由现金流 (LFCF TTM) | -253.62 M |
资产报酬率 (ROA TTM) | 1.20% |
股东权益报酬率 (ROE TTM) | -26.07% |
短期 | 中期 | ||
行业 | Real Estate - Diversified (AU) | 混合的 | 混合的 |
Real Estate - Diversified (全球的) | 混合的 | 看跌 | |
股票 | LEND LEASE STAPLED [LLC] | - | - |
AIStockmoo 评分
分析师共识 | 0.0 |
内部交易活动 | NA |
价格波动 | -2.0 |
技术平均移动指标 | -2.5 |
技术振荡指标 | -2.5 |
平均 | -1.75 |
Lendlease has three segments: investments, development, and construction. Lendlease operates locally and overseas across all three segments. However, in the future, its development and construction businesses will be solely in Australia, while the investment management platform will maintain exposure to international real estate assets. Historically, the investments segment contributed about one-third of group EBITDA, development around half, and construction the remaining. The group is targeting an earnings mix between investments/development/construction of 50%/35%/15% post the current restructure, shifting more weights to the defensive and higher margin investments segment. Sales proceeds from asset divestments will primarily be used to repay debt and buy back securities. |
部门 | Real Estate |
行业 | Real Estate - Diversified |
投资方式 | Mid Value |
内部持股比例 | 0.46% |
机构持股比例 | 57.78% |