-0.24 (-2.49%)
前收盘价格 | 9.64 |
收盘价格 | 9.70 |
成交量 | 3,599,000 |
平均成交量 (3个月) | 3,042,644 |
市值 | 16,962,393,088 |
市盈率 (P/E TTM) | 11.60 |
价格/销量 (P/S) | 3.05 |
股市价格/股市净资产 (P/B) | 1.91 |
52周波幅 | |
利润日期 | 28 Oct 2024 - 1 Nov 2024 |
股息率 (DY TTM) | 0.71% |
营业毛利率 | 14.26% |
营业利益率 (TTM) | 18.89% |
稀释每股收益 (EPS TTM) | 0.790 |
季度收入增长率 (YOY) | -5.50% |
季度盈利增长率 (YOY) | -60.60% |
总债务/股东权益 (D/E MRQ) | 26.74% |
流动比率 (MRQ) | 2.84 |
营业现金流 (OCF TTM) | 509.78 M |
杠杆自由现金流 (LFCF TTM) | -376.78 M |
资产报酬率 (ROA TTM) | 2.62% |
股东权益报酬率 (ROE TTM) | 8.17% |
短期 | 中期 | ||
行业 | Semiconductors (HK) | 混合的 | 混合的 |
Semiconductors (全球的) | 混合的 | 混合的 | |
股票 | SHANGHAI FUDAN | - | - |
AIStockmoo 评分
分析师共识 | 0.0 |
内部交易活动 | NA |
价格波动 | 4.5 |
技术平均移动指标 | 2.5 |
技术振荡指标 | 4.0 |
平均 | 2.75 |
股票 | 市值 | DY | P/E(TTM) | P/B |
SHANGHAI FUDAN | 17 B | 0.71% | 11.60 | 1.91 |
SMIC | 467 B | - | 87.65 | 1.89 |
HUA HONG SEMI | 49 B | 0.73% | 78.33 | 0.780 |
SOLOMON SYSTECH | 1 B | - | 11.38 | 1.11 |
CE HUADA TECH | 3 B | 8.97% | 6.05 | 1.08 |
BRAINHOLE TECH | 149 M | - | - | 1.97 |
Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Co Ltd is principally engaged in the design, development and testing of very large integrated circuits as well as provision of system solutions to customers. The Company operates through two business segments: the design, development and sales of IC products segment and the provision of testing services for IC products segment. The Company is also engaged in the production of probe cards, the development and sales of hardware and software of computers, electronic products and communication equipment and the provision of investment management and consultancy services, research and consultancy services of IC technology and research and consultancy services of computer and network technology through its subsidiaries. |
部门 | Technology |
行业 | Semiconductors |
投资方式 | Mid Core |
机构持股比例 | 22.61% |