0.09 (4.11%)
前收盘价格 | 2.19 |
收盘价格 | 2.19 |
成交量 | 433,617 |
平均成交量 (3个月) | 612,720 |
市值 | 186,527,712 |
价格/销量 (P/S) | 5.10 |
股市价格/股市净资产 (P/B) | 76.56 |
52周波幅 | |
利润日期 | 14 Aug 2024 |
营业毛利率 | -119.98% |
营业利益率 (TTM) | -146.05% |
稀释每股收益 (EPS TTM) | -0.650 |
季度收入增长率 (YOY) | -71.70% |
总债务/股东权益 (D/E MRQ) | 668.45% |
流动比率 (MRQ) | 0.590 |
营业现金流 (OCF TTM) | -37.26 M |
杠杆自由现金流 (LFCF TTM) | -51.43 M |
资产报酬率 (ROA TTM) | -22.50% |
股东权益报酬率 (ROE TTM) | -1,615.47% |
短期 | 中期 | ||
行业 | Asset Management (US) | 混合的 | 看涨 |
Asset Management (全球的) | 混合的 | 看涨 | |
股票 | AGBA Group Holding Limited | - | - |
AIStockmoo 评分
分析师共识 | 0.0 |
内部交易活动 | NA |
价格波动 | -2.0 |
技术平均移动指标 | -2.5 |
技术振荡指标 | 0.0 |
平均 | -1.13 |
AGBA Group Holding Ltd provides healthcare, wellness, financial advisory, and fintech services. The group is organized into four divisions: Platform, Distribution, Healthcare, and Fintech. The AGBA platform helps individual and corporate customers with financial, medical, and healthcare service options. The AGBA is an omnichannel one-stop financial business solution platform that offers financial services, expands business opportunities, and enhances business productivity to licensed financial advisors, licensed brokers, and licensed financial institutions. |
部门 | Financial Services |
行业 | Asset Management |
投资方式 | Small Growth |
内部持股比例 | 7.33% |
机构持股比例 | 0.23% |